While a fantastic tool, using laser to create the beautifully clear cuts, they also entail a substantial fire risk. As they don’t require your constant attention, before you’ve had a chance to notice and extinguish a fire breakout, it can take hold of your entire machine and spread outside of it.
Laser Cutter automatic fire suppression system
The expanded demand for laser cutters has sparked an increased number of domestic and commercial fires.
While a fantastic tool, using a laser to create beautifully clear cuts, they also entail a substantial fire risk. As they don’t require your constant attention, before you’ve had a chance to notice and extinguish a fire breakout, it can take hold of your entire machine.
Worst case, the fire may also damage other commercial assets, your entire house or premise and put your family or staff at risk.
Stay protected and minimise any fire damage with a BlazeCut T-series unit. Fast acting, cost effective and easy to install, the BlazeCut T Series operates automatically without human intervention.
BlazeCut uses a clean gaseous agent leaving NO residue after discharge unlike traditional powder fire extinguishers. With up to a 10 year life and maintenance free operation, it really becomes a small investment to have protection from 3D printer fire or laser cutter fire.
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